• 28th Annual Salem Chamber of Commerce

    Haunted Happenings Grand Parade

  • Thursday, October 2, 2025 / Starts 6:30 PM

  • The 28th Annual Salem Chamber of Commerce Haunted Happenings Grand Parade will take place, as always, on the first Thursday of October, October 2nd, 2025. The parade will follow the normal route from Prime Group Shetland Park to Salem Common.

    The theme for this year’s Parade will be announced in May 2025.

    The Parade is a special nighttime tradition for the city of Salem and visitors alike to officially kick off Salem’s Halloween season. The evening should be a night full of color, pageantry, music, and the enthusiasm of thousands of Salem’s students from kindergarten to college plus many local business owners. Over 15,000 spectators (children, adults, and those in between) are expected to attend.


    The Salem Chamber is grateful for the financial support of our 2024 parade sponsors:

  • Parade Sponsors




  • Parade Sponsors (Cont.)


    Friends of the Parade