SSU Writers Series: Shangyang Fang and M.P. Carver
The Salem State Writers Series invites noted authors of short stories, biography, poetry, poetry, memoir and essays to share their work at free readings throughout the academic year. Our March guests are Shangyang Fang and M.P. Carver. Shangyang Fang grew up in Chengdu, China, and writes both in English and Chinese. He received his bachelor of science degree at the University of Illinois’ Civil & Environmental Engineering program. A graduate from Michener Center for Writers, he is a recipient of the Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Award and the Wallace Stegner fellowship from Stanford University. His works appeared in The Nation, Ploughshares, The Yale Review, The Best American Poetry, The Best of Net, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, and The Forward Book of Poetry Anthology. The author of the poetry collection, Burying the Mountain (Copper Canyon Press, 2021), he is an Assistant Professor of English & Creative Writing at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. M.P. Carver is a poet and visual artist from Salem, MA. She is Director of the Massachusetts Poetry Festival, and miCrO-Founder of Molecule: a tiny lit mag. Her work has been published in Rattle, Mantis, Jubilat, and Love’s Executive Order, among others. She has received funding from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the Essex Community Foundation. In 2023 her poem "In Vitro" was named a finalist in the Connecticut River Review's Experimental Poetry Contest, and in 2022 her poem “You & God & I” was awarded the New England Poetry Club’s E.E. Cummings Prize. Her chapbook, Selachipmorpha, was published by Incessant Pipe in 2015, and a chapbook with Lily Poetry, Hard Up, is forthcoming.
SSU Writers Series: Shangyang Fang an...Date and Time
Monday Mar 10, 2025
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDTMarch 10 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Ellison Campus Center, North Campus 1 Meier Drive, Salem, MA 01970 Martin Luther King, Jr. Room
Contact Information
Karen A Gahagan kgahagan@salemstate.edu 978.542.7890 For access and accommodation information, visit our page on access or email access@salemstate.edu.
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