101st Annual Celebrate Salem Awards Dinner
The Salem Chamber of Commerce's 101st Annual Celebrate Salem Awards Dinner will take place in the beautiful Atrium of the Peabody Essex Museum on the evening of Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
The program of the evening will include the presentation of the "Celebrate Salem Awards" in 7 categories. The process for the nominations and selection of winners is a two phase process. In the first period businesses and people were nominated, after which the Awards Committee selected 6 nominees per category. The second phase of voting, open to both businesses and residents, is took place in March to select the winners.
The theme for this year's dinner is the exhibit, "Saints, Sinners, Lovers, and Fools: 300 Years of Flemish Masterworks". During the Renaissance, the region known today as Flanders in Belgium was home to visionary artists who developed radically new ways to depict reality, portray humanity and tell stories that continue to resonate with viewers today. PEM’s presentation of this exhibition also recreates a 17th century cabinet of curiosities — or wünderkammer — filled with precious porcelain and lacquer, seashells, stuffed specimens of animals (including an ostrich) and rare antiquities.
Tickets for the event are $150 per person and include a welcoming drink during the networking reception and a delicious sit down dinner. We are looking for sponsors for the event and sponsorship options can be found on the sponsorship form.
Buy Tickets Online Here
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Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 23, 2025
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDTThe event takes place on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 6:00PM until 9:00PM
The beautiful new wing, outdoor garden and atrium of the Peabody Essex Museum
Individual ticket prices are $150. Sponsorship levels are available, starting at $1000 (individual sponsorships), all the way up to the Reception and Table Sponsorships ($3,000). For more information please click here.
Contact Information
Rinus Oosthoek
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