Full-service real estate company that has served Salem since 1944. Armstrong Field is a REALTOR company.
Attorney Jodie Salasny specializes in residential real estate. She focuses her practice on representing buyers, sellers and lenders on the North Shore. She has over 18 years legal experience.
Offices and coworking space for hybrid and remote workers. Event space is also available.
North Shore Architects, Interior Designers, and Planners for developers, commercial businesses, and government agencies.
Co-working space with private offices for lease, shared lounge, kitchenette, reception, and meeting/conference rooms which are also rentable by hour, no lease required. Various length leases available
Printed courtesy of www.salem-chamber.org/ – Contact the Salem Chamber of Commerce for more information.
265 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 – (978) 744-0004 – info@salem-chamber.org